Coming as a group
Can more than one person come?
Absolutely, the more the merrier. You can book your friends or family directly on our website when you register. You'll need to know their full name, phone number and e-mail address, and whether they'd like to take out cancellation insurance.
You want to bring a bunch of people, but you're not going to pay the whole bill? Don't worry, give us a call and we'll hold the places for you until everyone registers.
Can we privatize a stay?
You bet! I'd advise you to give us a call so that we can hold the places for you until everyone registers for the trip. We'll just check that everyone has the right level to take part.
Can you organize a tailor-made trip for us?
Yes, it's possible, if it's within our capabilities. Give us a call and tell us what you have in mind, and we'll be happy to put together a great outdoor session for you in our most secret spots 😉