Book your stay

  • Location
    Edinburgh - Scotland
    Scotland - Scotland
  • Duration
    6 days
  • Level
  • Participants
    8 people max
  • Included
    Guide, accommodation, half board, transfers, gravel and panniers, Buff goodies
  • Price
    from 1.590,00 

It's a braw day for a ride*! It's probably the phrase you're going to hear the most!

We're taking you on an adventure to the land of Loch Ness and whisky: Scotland. For a whole week, you'll be riding your Gravel bike through the forests and highlands of the Galloway District, following in the footsteps of the UCI Gravel Series, in the company of your local guide Colin Riley.

Between mushroom hunting with a mycophile, culinary delights, local accommodations, touring a Gin distillery, and cycling 60 to 90 kilometers per day on gravel roads, you're about to experience Scotland in the most magnificent way possible.

And it's BUFF who equips you for adventure 😉

*it's a wonderful day for riding.

Book your stay

The captain(s) on the stay

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