

  • Ice Rock Climbing



Let us introduce you to what we call a nugget in the climbing world. Chloé Minoret is a professional French climber. A native of Bourg Saint-Maurice, she took part in numerous championships, including the French championships, where she finished runner-up in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002, as well as the European championships in 2002 in Chamonix, where she won the gold medal, and a world championship in 2001 in Winterthur, Switzerland, where she finished bronze medallist.

Climbing is above all a passion for Chloé, and it's what has enabled her to gain confidence and push back her limits.

Today, she's a member of the Climb Up team, and thanks to her coaching diploma, she can advise and coach you with passion to help you progress. She's also an official usher, so you can enjoy climbing in the gym.

This outstanding climber began her climbing career by focusing more on strategy than physical effort. According to her, the strategies you develop to compensate for physical effort are the real basis for progress.

There's no doubt about it, Chloé will push you all the way to the top!